Wednesday, 23 May 2007


Thought I'd talk a bit about the connections between my posts, since they tend to crop up a lot in comments and such.

I find the joining-the-dots method of writing to be incredibly satisfying, which is why the last two stories - Ambition and Therapy - aren't directly connected to any existing characters or storylines. Eventually, they'll no-doubt cross over with some other characters, but for the time being, I like that they're new and fresh.

So, for the record, Trenavass and Laoren and Lunar Mist and Sunset have no set ending - they're largely exploring the world. I have resolutions in mind for all the other stories, although that's not to say that I won't be coming back to those characters again (Arthur and Mr Spencer have already been resolved, but the latter in particular has more to share).

But the big question is - how effective is this method? Is there too much crossing over? Too little? Is it not clear enough that these stories exist in the same universe? Would it matter if certain stories were read out of order?

The Trenavass stories are in a direct series, which is why they have an umbrella title, but should Lunar Mist and Sunset have one too? Since Jom went back to re-label his ASBO-Boy stories, I've been tempted to do something similar.

1 comment:

Quoth the Raven said...

Well, before I realised that they were all the same universe I did think you'd cheapened one story (can't remember which) by including aliens, when you'd already done it with Dylan, but I realised fairly quickly that they were, in fairness, the same aliens. It's quite obvious that they are all the same universe after certain posts have been read; by now if you've read them all, there's no doubt. Unless you're a stupid person, of course, but in that case your opinion doesn't count.

Lunar Mist and Sunset have a label to themselves, which is all they need. Thing is, because you've essentially written a single story in one universe and a lot of the threads cross over, you can't really name individual story arcs anymore, they don't quite fit. When we meet Lunar Mist nowadays, he's just one character in a big cast following his part of the big story. You just need labels.