Right, I'd like to know where people think the story is going. Be as brief or as in-depth as you want.
Doing it this way means I wont give away any irritating knowing looks that I find myself incapable of stopping without the aid of a pillow.
This is also a good way of letting me know what you think is important re: character/plot resolutions. If you would like to see something addressed, make a point of it and I'll probably accommodate it somewhere.
Cheers me dears.
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Why can't Malady heal Flicker? Do you have a good sci-fi explanation for this, Marvel style sort of thing? You may have answered this already, but I figured I'd ask again.
Otherwise, it's stepped up a gear in the last couple of posts, so I'm well looking forward to the Battle of Dyfatty flashback.
Flicker isn't ill, as such, she's in a coma. I suppose the medical definitions here are blurred, but suffice it to say Malady has tried and failed. The Flicker situation will be dealt with in due course; whether or not its resolution will constitute a 'good' sci-fi idea remains to be seen.
From what I've read I can see certain trends running through it. Dreams seem to be something of increasing importance- and part of the power of 715. Squeeze was dreaming from the first post- of the water. Water and the sea seems to be important also- possibly a foreshadowing of some important water-based event. The sea-wall seems ominous to me- and the sarcastic response to it as a reliable barrier from the sea.
Of the original Elementals the only one we dont know anything about is Physic- whats with him? Seraph seems to be a feathered Other- flier maybe?- I think he's the brother to Gwen from what Helix said. Core controls rocks and is now a giant rock herself- but with a bit of a mystery attached as to exactly why that is. Vue we've met and spoken to- a teleporting type- presumably how he escaped when Dyfatty blew up. Helix is a bit mysterious- lots of intermingling powers- prophetic dreamer as well as controlling atoms- although with no emotional or mental control over himself.
I think there is going to be a show down piece with sinister Euryale- he'll probably have to have a major denouement in which he explains what he's discovered about the creation of Others. I imagine that kind of revelation at some crucial moment. I think Pantheon will interrupt with his/her/its big battle or similar that he/she/it is planning. Pantheon I'm assuming is/ originates from 715- and either is that Other or is all Others united by some kind of Dream Time mechanism. But then I'm basing this on Pantheon only occuring twice so I may be well out with that one...
I think that the Circus crew will have to get involved- presumably Omen's powers will be useful in the big final struggle.
I presume there'll be a Dyfatty flashback- so we can find out what exactly happened to all these Others.
Ultimately I imagine the downfall of Euryale and his horrible sceince crew- the blowing up of lots of buildings/ labs along the way- something to explain what exactly they are breeding- and what these foetus's purpose is- and their probable destruction a la Alien Resurrection potentially. Society in a big mess and so Squeeze, Gwen et al all do something constructive like rebuild the community. I'd start by knocking down the Wall in the style of the Berlin Wall.
I think there'll be some kind of romance show down between the love quadrangle of Elixir, Siren, Swelter and Squeeze. Obviously Siren and Squeeze seem the most compatible and likely to end up together- Elixir is likely to encourage this so that Swelter will lose out and hopefully come back under her control. Swelter is likely to go on a mad killing and torturing spree. Or some such.
I think that pretty much summarises what I roughly got from the story with theories/ predictions etc. If I think of something else/ change my mind I'll publish another comment.
Thank you! That was what I was looking for. You've certainly touched on some major stuff that I've had in there from the beginning. By the time you read this I'll have posted a major piece of the water/sea storyline and how this ties together the characters and the history of this Swansea.
I'm hoping the ending has some surprises left as you've actually named precisely my intetnion with one thread, and grazed on several others. Rest assured I have no intention of changing it just because you've mentioned it. I'm glad I've managed to sew this much into it really - some of it, at least, was deliberate!
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